Ways to Boost Productivity Using The Two Productivity Laws

Discover how Zipf's Law and Laborit’s Law explain procrastination and task avoidance and learn actionable steps to boost your productivity.

Ways to Boost Productivity Using The Two Productivity Laws
Photo by kris / Unsplash

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Hello, productivity seekers! Have you ever caught yourself tackling the easiest tasks first, even when you know there are bigger fish to fry? I do that all the time, like getting my running gear, shoes and a hydration belt. That is easy and borderline entertaining …..retail therapy! The only part I do not follow along with sometimes is the Running!

Don't worry—you're not alone. There's some serious science behind why we tend to choose the path of least resistance. In this article, we will explore two fascinating theories that explain our productivity struggles: Zipf's Law of Least Effort and Laborit's Law.

These aren't just fancy terms – they're key to understanding why you might be stuck in a productivity rut. But here's the good news: once you understand these laws, you can flip the script and use them to your advantage. Ready to boost your productivity game? Let's get started!

The Efficiency Trap: Zipf's Law Decoded

Picture this: you've got a to-do list as long as your arm, but somehow you end up organizing your desk drawer instead of tackling that big project. Sound familiar? You can thank George Kingsley Zipf for explaining why.

Zipf, a linguistics whiz, noticed something intriguing about human behavior. We're always on the lookout for the easiest, most efficient way to do things. In his words, people complete tasks by choosing the way of least effort among various options (Zipf,1949). It's like our internal GPS is always recalculating to find the path of least resistance….basically, the shortcuts.

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Now, this efficiency-seeking behavior isn't all bad. It's actually a smart survival strategy that's been with us since our cave-dwelling days. The problem? In today's world, it can lead us down a rabbit hole of easy but low-impact tasks. With large corporations and economies driving high efficiency and productivity, low-impact tasks do not help in achieving much profitability.

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So, how to improve productivity and outsmart Zipf's Law? Here are a couple of tricks:

  1. Focus on Impact Over Ease: Instead of organizing your tasks by how easy they are, rank them by their potential impact. Ask yourself, "Which of these tasks will move the needle the most?" Then tackle those first. Use techniques like the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to focus on the few tasks that create the most significant results.
  2. Work Smarter, Not Harder: Use Zipf's principle to your advantage. Find ways to streamline those pesky, repetitive tasks. Can you automate your email responses? Delegate some routine work? By cutting down on the small stuff, you'll free up time and energy for the big-ticket items like physical & mental health, career, and continuous learning.

* Do not multi-task, it is a myth

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The Stress Escape: Unraveling Laborit's Law

Now, let's talk about Henri Laborit and his insights into why we often dodge difficult tasks. Laborit's Law sheds light on our tendency to avoid stress or discomfort. It's the reason you might find yourself scrolling through social media when you should be working on that challenging presentation. (Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

Laborit said that people who are excessively cautious and overly aware of potential obstacles are more likely to avoid taking risks, which can hinder their success. Our brains are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. In the productivity world, this translates to gravitating towards quick wins and steering clear of complex projects or tight deadlines. It's not that you're lazy – your brain is just trying to protect you from stress.

But don't worry, you're not falling into the procrastination camp. Try these strategies to overcome Laborit's Law:

  1. Bite-Sized Your Challenges: When faced with a daunting task, break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. It's less intimidating to write one paragraph than an entire report, right? If it is not stressful, you will not avoid it.
  2. Reward Yourself: Set up a reward system for completing those high-effort tasks. Maybe it's a coffee break, a quick walk, or an episode of your favorite show. By associating tough tasks with rewards, you're retraining your brain to see challenges as opportunities.
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Hacking the System: Your Productivity Powerup

Now that we've solved the productivity mystery, it's time to turn the tables. Here's how you can use Zipf and Laborit's laws to your advantage:

  1. Embrace Efficiency: Use Zipf's Law to streamline your workflow. Create templates, use shortcuts, and batch similar tasks together. But remember, efficiency should serve your high-impact goals, not replace them. I use the productivity tool Notion to organize all my work and manage this blog and my personal life. Give it a try!
  2. Face the Discomfort: When you feel the urge to procrastinate, recognize it as Laborit's Law in action. Then, challenge yourself to work on the tough task for just 5 minutes. Often, starting is the hardest part – once you're in the flow, you might just keep going.
  3. Build Better Habits: Our brains love routines. Use this to your advantage by creating habits that support your productivity goals. Maybe it's tackling your most important task first thing in the morning or setting aside distraction-free focus time.

The Science Behind the Struggle

You might wonder, "Why are our brains wired this way?" It all comes down to evolution. Our ancestors needed to conserve energy for survival and avoid potentially dangerous situations. Fast-forward to today and these instincts are still with us, even if the threats we face are more about deadlines than predators—although the line separating them is blurry if you ask me!

Recent neuroscience studies have shown that our brains actually release the stress hormone Cortisol when we anticipate a difficult task. On the flip side, completing easy tasks gives us a quick hit of dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. It's no wonder we're tempted to stick with the easy stuff! (Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

But here's the kicker: research also shows that pushing through initial discomfort and completing challenging tasks leads to greater satisfaction and a bigger dopamine reward in the long run. It's like working out – it might be tough to start, but you feel great afterward.

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Your Productivity Potential

So, there you have it – the science behind why you might struggle with productivity and more importantly, how to overcome it. Zipf and Laborit's laws aren't chains holding you back; they're tools you can use to level up your productivity game.

Remember, it's not about fighting against your natural tendencies. It's about understanding them and creating systems that work with your brain, not against it. By prioritizing high-impact tasks, breaking down big challenges, and rewarding yourself for tackling tough work, you're setting yourself up for success.

The choice is yours. Will you let Zipf and Laborit's laws control your productivity, or will you take charge and use them to your advantage? Your future, more productive self is waiting – what's your next move?