7 Unexpected Secrets Successful People Use to Crush Their Goals

Discover strategies for effective goal-setting and achievement. Learn to create actionable plans and overcome obstacles on your path to success.

7 Unexpected Secrets Successful People Use to Crush Their Goals
Photo by Phil Hearing / Unsplash

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Life is full of certainty and uncertainty, and they both play a huge role in shaping your confidence—or sometimes your lack of it. To truly feel confident, you need a plan in your life. You need to be sure that what you're doing is getting you closer to something meaningful, something that matters to you. 

Most of us set goals with the hope of achieving them. We put in the effort, and we strive, but not everyone succeeds, not every time. Sometimes, a small misstep or a wrong move can undo all that hard work. And then you find yourself asking, "Why am I not succeeding despite everything I’ve done?" It’s frustrating, and that frustration can really take a toll on your confidence. But here's the thing: we’re all naturally driven by goals, and you’re no different.

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However, if you’re living on autopilot without a clear goal, your first step is to discover your purpose. It’s like driving without a GPS—you're moving, but you might end up going nowhere or in circles. Identifying your purpose gives your journey direction and meaning. 

So, have you taken a moment to think about your goals in each area of your life? If not, this is the perfect time. Stick with me, and I will help you map it all out and answer the ultimate question - how to set goals and achieve them?

Remember that your abilities aren’t fixed. Embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and watch yourself grow. A growth mindset can transform your life - Carol Dweck.

1. Understanding the Goal-Setting Mindset

Our brains crave purpose. This is because our brains are wired to respond to purpose and direction. By setting goals, you're giving your brain a clear sense of what to focus on, allowing you to channel your energy and efforts toward achieving something meaningful.

But here's the thing: goal-setting isn't just about achieving a specific outcome; it's also about the person you want to become in the process. As you work towards your goals, you'll develop new skills, build resilience, and cultivate a growth mindset. So, take a moment to reflect on what you want to achieve and, more importantly, who you want to become in the process.

Read more about Goal setting here 👇:

The Ultimate Guide To Transforming Wishes Into Goals
Stop Wishing, Start Achieving! With our powerful goal-setting guide, you can master SMART goals, crush obstacles, and unlock success.
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins

2. The Goal Creation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Important Areas in Your Life

Begin by dividing your life into six key areas:

  1. Career
  2. Relationships
  3. Personal Growth
  4. Finance
  5. Health and Fitness
  6. Leisure and Hobbies

Step 2: Brainstorm Your Aspirations

For each area, take a few minutes to write down everything you'd like to achieve. Don't hold back – let your imagination run wild. Remember, at this stage, no goal is too big or too small.

Step 3: Set Timeframes

Next to each goal, assign a realistic timeframe:

  • Less than 1 year
  • 1-3 years
  • 3+ years

Step 4: Prioritize Your Short-Term Goals

Focus on your 'less than 1 year' goals. Select the top 2 from each area of your life. You should now have 12 goals to focus on for the coming year.

Step 5: Find Your 'Why'

For each of your 12 goals, ask yourself:

  • How will reaching this goal bring me joy or satisfaction?
  • What opportunities will open up for me once I accomplish this?
  • What would I lose or miss out on if I didn’t reach this goal?
  • What makes this goal significant to me?
  • Why do I feel this is essential to achieve rather than just a suggestion?

Understanding your 'why' is crucial. It's the fuel that will keep you going when things get tough.

Once updated, your workbook will look like this:

Scientific Perspective:
Latham and Locke's Goal Setting Theory
emphasizes that specific and challenging goals enhance performance. Key principles include setting clear and attainable goals, ensuring commitment to those goals, providing regular feedback, and considering task complexity. This approach demonstrates that effective goal-setting can lead to improved outcomes in both personal and organizational contexts.
[Source: Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (1990). "Building a Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation: A 35-Year Odyssey." American Psychologist, 55(5), 705–717.]

A person writing goals in a notebook
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado / Unsplash

3. From Goals to Action: Creating Your Roadmap to Success

You might have set some of these goals for yourself:

  • Getting in shape or improving your overall fitness.
  • Launching or growing your own business.
  • Creating a better work-life balance to spend more time with loved ones.
  • Developing more confidence and assertiveness in your daily life.
  • Helping your child navigate the challenges of remote learning or developing new skills.
  • Securing a job that aligns with your values or aiming for a promotion.
  • Contributing more to your community through volunteering or social impact projects.
  • Upgrading your home or investing in sustainable living options.
  • Strengthening your professional relationships, like with your manager or team.
  • Starting a journaling or mindfulness practice for personal growth.
  • Building additional streams of income or improving financial literacy.
  • Learning a new skill, like coding or mastering a new language.
  • Managing stress or finding healthier ways to cope with frustration.
  • Be more intentional with your personal style or develop a signature look.
  • These goals reflect the various areas of life we seek to improve as we strive for balance and growth.

Now that you have your goals clearly defined, it's time to create an action plan. Think of this process like planning a road trip – you wouldn't set out without knowing your destination and route.

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Define Your Goals with Precision

Vague goals like "I want to be rich" or "I want to be happy" are too general. Instead, be specific and precise. For example, if your goal is to buy a new car, define it in detail to a point where you can literally see it:

  • Model: Tesla Model 3
  • Color: Midnight Silver Metallic
  • Interior: Black and White
  • Price: $49,990
  • Extras: Autopilot, Premium Interior

Break Down Your Goals

Large goals can be overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable sub-goals. For instance, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds in 6 months:

  1. Month 1-2: Lose 7 pounds
  2. Month 3-4: Lose 7 pounds
  3. Month 5-6: Lose 6 pounds

Create an Action Plan

For each sub-goal, create a detailed action plan. Using the weight loss example:

  1. Exercise:
    • Join a gym (by the end of week 1)
    • Schedule workouts: Mon, Wed, Fri (6-7 PM)
    • Start with 30 min cardio and 15 min strength training
  2. Diet:
    • Consult a nutritionist (by the end of week 2)
    • Meal prep on Sundays
    • Track calories using a smartphone app
  3. Progress Tracking:
    • Weigh-in every Monday morning
    • Take body measurements bi-weekly
    • Adjust the plan as needed at the end of each month
A goal without a plan is just a wish." – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

4. Overcoming Obstacles: Strategies for Success

Even with the best-laid plans, you'll encounter obstacles. It's inevitable. But here's the good news: obstacles are not roadblocks; they're stepping stones to success. By anticipating challenges and having a plan in place, you can overcome them and stay on track.

So, how do you overcome obstacles? Here are some strategies to help you succeed:

Anticipate Challenges: Think about potential roadblocks and plan for them in advance. Ask yourself, "What could go wrong?" or "What obstacles might I face?" By anticipating challenges, you can prepare contingency plans and stay one step ahead.

Stay Flexible: Be willing to adjust your approach if something isn't working. Remember, goal-setting is a dynamic process, and it's okay to pivot when necessary. Don't be too rigid in your approach; instead, be open to new ideas and perspectives.

Learn from Setbacks: View failures as learning opportunities, not reasons to give up. When you encounter setbacks, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this experience?" or "How can I improve next time?" By learning from your mistakes, you'll become wiser and more resilient.

Seek Support: Share your goals with friends or join a support group for accountability. Having a supportive community can make all the difference in staying motivated and overcoming obstacles.

Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small, to stay motivated. Celebrating small wins will help you stay positive and encouraged, even when faced with challenges.

Remember, overcoming obstacles is not about being perfect; it's about being persistent. By staying focused, adaptable, and committed, you'll overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

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5. The Power of Consistency

Consistency is key to achieving your goals. Create daily habits that align with your goals. Over time, these small actions compound into significant results. Consistency is about creating a routine that supports your goals, making it easier to stay on track and make progress.

Let's take the example of writing a book. To achieve this goal, you might:

  • Set a daily writing goal (e.g., 500 words)
  • Create a writing routine (e.g., write for 1 hour every morning before work)
  • Track your progress (e.g., use a writing app to monitor your daily word count)

By creating a consistent routine, you'll make progress toward your goal, even if it's just a small step each day. Consistency is about building momentum, and momentum is what drives success.

6. Regular Review and Adjustment

Set regular intervals to review your progress:

  • Weekly: Quick check-in on short-term tasks
  • Monthly: Evaluate progress on sub-goals
  • Quarterly: Assess overall goal progress and make necessary adjustments

During these reviews, ask yourself:

  • What's going well?
  • Where am I falling short?
  • Do I need to adjust my approach or timeline?

Regular reviews will help you stay on track, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments as needed. By regularly reviewing your progress, you'll ensure that you're moving in the right direction and making progress toward your goals.

7. Timing is Everything: Mastering Your Goals

Getting the timing right is crucial when it comes to achieving your goals. Setting realistic deadlines for each of your sub-goals, as well as your main goal, can make all the difference. We’ve all been there—putting things off until tomorrow or next week, only for those tomorrows to turn into yet another week of waiting. 

Now, let’s talk about a word that no aspiring success story should include in their vocabulary: procrastination! It can sneak into your life in a number of sneaky ways: you might put things off by not choosing to do anything at all, or you might start a project and never really dive in. Maybe you even begin something but lose momentum halfway through. At every step of your action plan, it’s essential to set deadlines so you don’t let procrastination derail your progress.

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Here’s a simple approach to keep you on track:

  1. Break your goal down into manageable sub-goals.
  2. Allocate your time for each of these sub-goals.
  3. Set deadlines for achieving them and your ultimate goal.
  4. Be honest with yourself about respecting these deadlines.

Think of this as your timetable to success. Setting achievable and realistic goals with appropriate deadlines is key. For instance, expecting to pass your driving test after just two lessons is unrealistic. However, passing after twenty lessons feels much more attainable.

Remember, you want your goals to stretch your abilities but not overwhelm you. The aim is to minimize the gap between your potential and your performance, making your journey toward success a fulfilling one.

Goal Setting Tools

Below are important goal-setting tools that can help you clarify your objectives and track your progress:

  1. SMART Goals: This framework encourages you to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.
  2. Vision Board: A visual representation of your goals and dreams, using images and words to inspire and motivate you.
  3. Goal-Setting Journals: Dedicated journals for writing down your goals, tracking your progress, and reflecting on your experiences.
  4. Accountability Partners: Finding a buddy or mentor to share your goals with can help keep you motivated and accountable.
  5. Mind Mapping: A visual brainstorming tool that helps you explore and organize your goals and ideas in a creative way.
  6. Daily Planners: Use a planner to break down your goals into actionable steps and manage your time effectively.
  7. Action Plans: Detailed outlines that specify the steps you need to take to achieve your goals, including timelines and resources.
  8. Goal Tracking Apps: Digital tools and apps designed to help you set, track, and visualize your goals (e.g., Trello, Todoist, GoalsOnTrack).
  9. Affirmations: Positive statements that reinforce your goals and beliefs, helping you stay focused and motivated.
  10. Meditation and Visualization: Techniques that help you envision your goals and cultivate a mindset focused on achieving them.
  11. Checklists: Simple lists that outline the steps or tasks you need to complete to reach your goals, providing a sense of accomplishment as you check them off.
  12. Time Blocking: A time management technique that involves scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks or goals to enhance productivity.
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Feel free to explore and use any of these tools that resonate with you to enhance your goal-setting journey!

Conclusion: Your Journey to Success Starts Now

Goal-setting is a powerful tool for personal growth and achievement. By following this systematic approach – from identifying your aspirations to creating detailed action plans and staying consistent – you're setting yourself up for success.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Start today by defining one goal and creating an action plan. With persistence and the right strategies, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

Your future self will thank you for the steps you take today. So, what are you waiting for? Your journey to success starts now!

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